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Who is the Scapegoat in Your Family? (VaYeshev 5782)

In family therapy, the therapist often looks to identify the roles that each family member takes on. In 1981, Sharon Wegschneider-Cruse...

Does Purim Teach Poor Parenting Practices? (Purim 5780)

Full disclosure: I love Purim. It’s my favorite day of the year. I love the family themed costumes, the singing, dancing, levity, skits,...

Father Involvement in Parenting (Yitro 5780)

Should dad come to parenting sessions? Most therapists assume yes - two heads are better than one, right? But what if the scheduling is...

Take Deep Breaths to Lower Your Stress (Va'eira 5780)

In this week’s parsha, parshat Va’eira, we encounter a unique and peculiar phrase: .ויְדַבֵּר מֹשֶׁה כֵּן אֶל בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל וְלֹא...

Lean In to Your Anxieties (Yayigash 5780)

(This article was originally published in the OU mental health newsletter

Mental health Science Blended with the Torah

This article was published in the Nassau Herald by Jeff Bessen Link to original article here:

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